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1 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 18, 2014 8:06:23am

Very good take on the last-stand attitude of some American Christians. They are becoming more desperate and I doubt that things are going to get better before they get a bit worse.

2 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jul 18, 2014 8:28:15am

Dead Enders these Fundamentalist loons, all of them. The problem though is that they form a massive 35% or so of the entire US population. More than enough to take the whole country down the political and economic sewer and keep it there for decades to come -and they will by choice. Their dead-ender belief system rests on their faith that Jesus will come back to get a sort of sick revenge, and they are willing to burn the country to the ground in order to help this come about. Never mind that Jesus never seems to come back throughout all of the world history of people burning their countries to the ground in his name. Some day, one day, he will according to these fools.

Faith without Reason, without historical knowledge, just plain sucks.

3 JustMark  Jul 18, 2014 8:34:29am

I’ve always wondered why, if the truth of religion is so persuasive, that they have to resort to scare tactics, threats and intimidation…

4 wheat-dogghazi  Jul 18, 2014 8:51:49am

re: #3 JustMark

I’ve always wondered why, if the truth of religion is so persuasive, that they have to resort to scare tactics, threats and intimidation…

Deep down, they are really insecure.

5 Jolo5309  Jul 18, 2014 9:32:41am

re: #3 JustMark

I’ve always wondered why, if the truth of religion is so persuasive, that they have to resort to scare tactics, threats and intimidation…

I think God said it best with this tweet

6 ObserverArt  Jul 18, 2014 9:43:19am

Maybe the Conservative Christians need to weigh how they respond to everything is chasing people away. Being around a bunch of haters is never good for anyone.

7 wheat-dogghazi  Jul 18, 2014 9:48:58am

re: #6 ObserverArt

Maybe the Conservative Christians need to weigh how they respond to everything is chasing people away. Being around a bunch of haters is never good for anyone.

Not going to happen. Introspection is not their strong suit.

8 CriticalDragon1177  Jul 18, 2014 9:52:30am

re: #6 ObserverArt

Ironically far right Christians are going to make things even worse for their cause, since they seem at least in part responsible for Americans abandoning religion. Whats going to happen as religious right politicians find fewer and fewer voters who support imposing their version of Christianity on the rest of the country? This is probably the biggest reason why they’re so desperate to get things like evolution, and sex ed out of our schools and replace them with creationism and abstinence only.

9 Mattand  Jul 18, 2014 10:59:39am

I’m not the most optimistic of people on a good day. Given the intersection of God, guns and conservatism in the current climate, I think we’re going to see a bout of Christian religious terrorism in the US.

Republicans got a glimpse of the future in the US when a black dude was elected president. They’ve decided to lash out like a cornered rabid dog rather be rational and move the country forward.

I’m just hoping the young children in my extended family aren’t caught in the crossfire.

10 team_fukit  Jul 18, 2014 1:56:28pm

Even if they’re pushing smart people away in droves (believe me, I know because i’m also an “apostate”), they’re still having a whole bunch of kids who will stay with the religion because they don’t want to disappoint their parents - then their kids will have a ton of kids and do exactly the same and maybe a black sheep or two will break free. All the fundie kids I went to high school have at least 3 kids each, some have more.

Sad to say, but we’re stuck with these guys for the long haul.

11 Mich-again  Jul 20, 2014 9:05:26pm

Well I am probably an outlier here in that I still go to mass with the wife and kids, not every week but generally. Today we went to a different church a few miles from home for the Sunday evening mass since we couldn’t go to our home parish.
And in the first sentence of his Homily the priest brought up abortion and I’m like Oh here we go. He spoke of how in 1994 Mother Theresa spoke at the National Prayer breakfast and in front of Bill Clinton and Al Gore (Oh here we go again) she said that abortion leads to nuclear war. Which sounded absolutely nothing like what Mother Theresa would ever say.
Anyhoo, as soon as we get home I look up her speech from that event and of course Mother Theresa never said anything about how abortion leads to nuclear war. In fact, what she said goes totally against what the Church in America is pursuing with their deep dive into politicization. Here is a link to the speech.
The point in all of this is that if the priests were not so political in their approach they might get more young people to listen to the original message in the Gospels. But as it turns out whenever a radical’s agenda is failing, they will always blame it on the fact that it was too diluted and the fix is to double down and take it even further.

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